“Straight From the Source,” is an interview series hosted by PepperBall CEO Bob Plaschke. This series aims to shine a spotlight on the thought leaders within our industry and provide a platform for these individuals to share their experiences, insights, and the valuable lessons they've learned through their careers in law enforcement.
Episode 2: Steve Sweeting |
Steve Sweeting is a sergeant at the Gainesville, FL Police Department and is recognized for his expertise in training challenging recruits and shaping police training policies. With over a decade of experience as a Field Training Officer (FTO), Sgt. Sweeting has twice been presented with the Medal of Valor and has been awarded the Governor’s Award for Heroism. He is the founder of StreetStoic.com and author of "Street Stoic", advocating for the integration of Stoicism into law enforcement to offer officers a way to manage stress and anxiety and become the best versions of themselves. |