In the high-stakes world of SWAT operations, where precision, control, and the preservation of life are essential, the choice of tactical equipment is critical. PepperBall has established itself as a proven and indispensable solution in the non-lethal field, providing SWAT teams with a versatile, effective, and safe non-lethal solution for a wide range of challenging scenarios.

Why PepperBall is a Tactical Game-Changer

  • Unmatched Tactical Flexibility: The fluid nature of SWAT operations demands adaptability. PepperBall's comprehensive system, encompassing air-powered launchers and projectiles, empowers officers to tailor their response to the specific needs of each situation. Whether facing a hostage situation, barricaded suspect, or high-risk warrant service, a single PepperBall launcher can be used in all these situations, and provides the flexibility to de-escalate, gain control, and resolve the incident safely.
  • Prioritizing Life: The Non-Lethal Advantage: SWAT teams are entrusted with neutralizing threats while minimizing harm. PepperBall non-lethal projectiles deliver a potent, yet temporary, incapacitating effect, enabling officers to gain the upper hand without resorting to lethal force. This significantly reduces the risk of casualties and aligns with the evolving ethos of law enforcement, where the preservation of life is paramount.
  • Crowd Control with Precision and Safety: Large-scale events and civil disturbances pose unique challenges for SWAT teams. The area-of-effect capability of PepperBall offers a safe and effective means to disperse crowds, target specific agitators, and restore order without causing lasting harm. This proven method of crowd control safeguards both the public and law enforcement personnel.
  • Unmatched Accuracy, Minimized Collateral Damage: The PepperBall system is engineered for precision, exceeding industry standards. A recent independent study using the ASTM E3276/3276M-1 Standard Test Method confirmed that .68 caliber PepperBall projectiles demonstrate approximately twice the precision/accuracy compared to competitive products. This ensures that only the intended target is affected, minimizing collateral damage and making PepperBall a safer choice in scenarios where innocent bystanders are present or when operating in confined spaces.
  • Proven Track Record of Safety and Effectiveness: With millions of deployments worldwide, PepperBall has a well-established track record of safety and efficacy. Law enforcement agencies utilizing PepperBall consistently report significant reductions in injuries to both officers and subjects. This data-driven success underscores the system's reliability and its vital role in safeguarding lives.
  • Psychological Deterrent: The mere presence of PepperBall launchers can act as a powerful deterrent, often leading to voluntary compliance and de-escalation of potentially volatile situations.

Empowering SWAT Teams for the Future

In an ever-evolving landscape of tactical operations, where the preservation of life is paramount, PepperBall stands as an indispensable tool for SWAT teams. Its versatility, effectiveness, and unwavering commitment to safety make it an ideal partner for law enforcement agencies seeking to enhance their capabilities and protect their communities.


Published on Jul 18, 2024